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How Parents May Build Strong Characters
Aim at High Points in Character Development—If we teach
our children to be industrious, half the danger is over, for idleness
leads into all manner of temptation to sin. Let us educate our children
to be simple in manner without being bold, to be benevolent and
self-sacrificing without being extravagant, to be economical without
becoming avaricious. And above all, let us teach them the claims
which God has upon them, that it is their duty to carry religion into
every department of life, that they should love God supremely, and
love their neighbor, not neglecting the little courtesies of life which
are essential to happiness
Pray for Heavenly Wisdom—Parents should reflect and pray
earnestly to God for wisdom and divine aid to properly train their
children, that they may develop characters that God will approve.
Their anxiety should not be how they can educate their children that
they may be praised and honored of the world, but how they can edu-
cate them to form beautiful characters that God can approve. Much
prayer and study are needed for heavenly wisdom to know how to
deal with young minds, for very much is depending upon the direction
parents give to the minds and wills of their children
Moral and Spiritual Guidance Must Be Given—Parents need
to be impressed with their obligation to give to the world children
having well-developed character—children who will have moral power
to resist temptation, and whose life will be an honor to God and a
blessing to their fellow men. Those who enter upon active life with
firm principles will be prepared to stand unsullied amid the moral
pollutions of this corrupt age
Teach Children to Choose for Themselves—Let the youth and
the little children be taught to choose for themselves that royal robe
woven in heaven’s loom—the “fine linen, clean and white” (
), which all the holy ones of earth will wear. This robe, Christ’s
own spotless character, is freely offered to every human being. But all
who receive it will receive and wear it here.
Let the children be taught that as they open their minds to pure,
loving thoughts and do loving and helpful deeds, they are clothing
themselves with His beautiful garment of character. This apparel will
Pacific Health Journal, May, 1890
Health Reformer, December, 1872
Christian Temperance and Bible Hygiene, 75