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Child Guidance
form characters which place the students as well-disciplined soldiers
under the banner of Prince Emmanuel, or rebels under the banner of
the prince of darkness. Which shall it be
Persevering Effort Is Necessary—What we venture to do once,
we are more apt to do again. Habits of sobriety, of self-control, of econ-
omy, of close application, of sound, sensible conversation, of patience
and true courtesy, are not gained without diligent, close watching over
self. It is much easier to become demoralized and depraved than to
conquer defects, keeping self in control and cherishing true virtues.
Persevering efforts will be required if the Christian graces are ever
perfected in our lives
Corrupt Children Endanger Others—God-fearing parents will
deliberate and plan as to how to train their children to right habits.
They will choose companions for their children, rather than leave them
in their inexperience to choose for themselves
If, in their early childhood, children are not perseveringly and
patiently trained in the right way, they will form wrong habits. These
habits will develop in their future life and will corrupt others. Those
whose minds have received a low cast, who have been cheapened
by wrong home influences, by deceptive practices, carry their wrong
habits with them through life. If they make a profession of religion,
these habits will be revealed in their religious life
King Saul, a Sad Example—The history of Israel’s first king
presents a sad example of the power of early wrong habits. In his
youth Saul did not love and fear God; and that impetuous spirit, not
early trained to submission, was ever ready to rebel against divine
authority. Those who in their youth cherish a sacred regard for the
will of God, and who faithfully perform the duties of their position,
will be prepared for higher service in afterlife. But men cannot for
years pervert the powers that God has given them, and then, when
they choose to change, find these powers fresh and free for an entirely
opposite course
Manuscript 69, 1897
Testimonies For The Church 4:452
The Review and Herald, June 24, 1890
The Review and Herald, March 30, 1897
Patriarchs and Prophets, 622