Exemplify Christian Principles
example of faithfulness to God, and so teach them to say no. Teach
your children the meaning of the precept, “If sinners entice thee, con-
sent thou not.” But if you would have your children able to say no to
temptation, you yourself must be able to say no. It is as needful for
the man to say no, as for the child
Exemplify Gentleness—Parents, be kind and gentle with your
children, and they will learn gentleness. Let us demonstrate in our
homes that we are Christians. I value as worthless that profession that
is not carried out in the home life in kindness and forbearance and
Watch Tone of Voice As Well As the Words—Let not one word
of fretfulness, harshness, or passion escape your lips. The grace of
Christ awaits your demand. His Spirit will take control of your heart
and conscience, presiding over your words and deeds. Never forfeit
your self-respect by hasty, thoughtless words. See that your words are
pure, your conversation holy. Give your children an example of that
which you wish them to be.... Let there be peace, pleasant words, and
cheerful countenances
Parents cannot with safety be in any way overbearing. They must
not show a masterly, criticizing, faultfinding spirit. The words they
speak, the tone in which they speak, are lessons, either for good or ill,
to their children. Fathers and mothers, if cross words fall from your
lips, you are teaching your children to speak in the same way, and the
refining influence of the Holy Spirit is made of none effect. Patient
continuance in well-doing is essential if you would do your duty to
your children
Parents Are God’s Agents in Molding Character—The intel-
lects of your children are taking shape, the affections and characters
are being molded, but after what pattern? Let the parents remember
that they are agents in these transactions. And when they may be
sleeping in the grave, their work left behind is enduring, and will bear
testimony of them whether it is good or bad
The Review and Herald, March 31, 1891
Manuscript 97, 1909
Letter 28, 1890
Letter 8a, 1896
Pacific Health Journal, June, 1890