Time to Begin Discipline
are left to strengthen until they become second nature. The children
grow up without restraint, with traits of character that are a lifelong
curse to them and are liable to be reproduced in others.
There is no greater curse upon households than to allow the youth
to have their own way. When parents regard every wish of their
children and indulge them in what they know is not for their good,
the children soon lose all respect for their parents, all regard for the
authority of God or man, and are led captive at the will of Satan
Put Home Training Ahead of Other Pursuits—Many point to
the children of ministers, teachers, and other men of high repute for
learning and piety, and urge that if these men, with their superior
advantages, fail in family government, those who are less favorably
situated need not hope to succeed. The question to be settled is, Have
these men given to their children that which is their right—a good
example, faithful instruction, and proper restraint? It is by a neglect
of these essentials that such parents give to society children who are
unbalanced in mind, impatient of restraint, and ignorant of the duties
of practical life. In this they are doing the world an injury which
outweighs all the good that their labors accomplish. Those children
transmit their own perversity of character as an inheritance to their
offspring, and at the same time their evil example and influence corrupt
society and make havoc in the church. We cannot think that any man,
however great his ability and usefulness, is best serving God or the
world while his time is given to other pursuits, to the neglect of his
own children
Heavenly Co-operation Is Promised—God will bless a just and
correct discipline. But “without me,” says Christ, “ye can do nothing.”
The heavenly intelligences cannot co-operate with fathers and mothers
who are neglecting to train their children, who are allowing Satan to
handle that little piece of infant machinery, that youthful mind, as an
instrument through whom he can work to counteract the working of
the Holy Spirit
Patriarchs and Prophets, 578, 579
The Signs of the Times, February 9, 1882
Manuscript 126, 1897