Seite 183 - Child Guidance (1954)

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Discipline in the Home
but sentimentalism that palters with wrongdoing, seeks by coaxing
or bribes to secure compliance, and finally accepts some substitute in
place of the thing required
In too many families today there is too much self-indulgence and
disobedience passed by without being corrected, or else there is mani-
fested an overbearing, masterful spirit that creates the worst evils in
the dispositions of children. Parents correct them at times in such an
inconsiderate way that their lives are made miserable, and they lose
all respect for father, mother, brothers, and sisters
Parents Fail to Understand Correct Principles—It is heart-
saddening to see the imbecility of parents in the exercise of their
God-given authority. Men who in everything else are consistent and
intelligent fail to understand the principles that should be brought into
the training of their little ones. They fail to give them right instruction
at the very time when right instruction, a godly example, and firm
decision are most needed to lead in right lines the inexperienced minds
that are ignorant of the deceptive and dangerous influences that they
must meet with everywhere
The greatest suffering has come upon the human family because
parents have departed from the divine plan to follow their own imag-
inings and imperfectly developed ideas. Many parents follow impulse.
They forget that the present and future good of their children requires
intelligent discipline
God Accepts No Excuse for Mismanagement—Rebellion is too
frequently established in the hearts of children through the wrong
discipline of the parents, when if a proper course had been taken, the
children would have formed good and harmonious characters
While parents have the power to discipline, educate, and train their
children, let them exert that power for God. He requires from them
pure, faultless, undeviating obedience. He will tolerate nothing else.
He will make no excuse for the mismanagement of children
Education, 290
Letter 75, 1898
Manuscript 119, 1899
Manuscript 49, 1901
Testimonies For The Church 3:532, 533
The Review and Herald, April 13, 1897