Seite 189 - Child Guidance (1954)

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Chapter 44—Administration of Corrective Discipline
Ask the Lord to Come In and Rule—Exact obedience in your
family; but while you do this, seek the Lord with your children, and
ask Him to come in and rule. Your children may have done something
that demands punishment; but if you deal with them in the spirit of
Christ, their arms will be thrown about your neck; they will humble
themselves before the Lord and will acknowledge their wrong. That
is enough. They do not then need punishment. Let us thank the Lord
that He has opened the way by which we may reach every soul
If your children are disobedient, they should be corrected.... Before
correcting them, go by yourself, and ask the Lord to soften and subdue
the hearts of your children and to give you wisdom in dealing with
them. Never in a single instance have I known this method to fail.
You cannot make a child understand spiritual things when the heart is
stirred with passion
Instruct Children Patiently—The Lord wants the hearts of these
children from their very babyhood to be given to His service. While
they are too young to reason with, divert their minds as best you can;
and as they become older, teach them by precept and example that you
cannot indulge their wrong desires.
Instruct them patiently. Sometimes they will have to be punished,
but never do it in such a way that they will feel that they have been
punished in anger. By such a course you only work a greater evil.
Many unhappy differences in the family circle might be avoided if
parents would obey the counsel of the Lord in the training of their
Parents to Be Under Discipline to God—Mothers, however pro-
voking your children may be in their ignorance, do not give way to
impatience. Teach them patiently and lovingly. Be firm with them. Do
not let Satan control them. Discipline them only when you are under
Manuscript 21, 1909
Manuscript 27, 1911
Manuscript 93, 1909