Seite 202 - Child Guidance (1954)

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Child Guidance
rule should be sacredly observed toward the dullest, the youngest, the
most blundering, and even toward the erring and rebellious
Help Children to Overcome—God has a tender regard for the
children. He wants them to gain victories every day. Let us all endeavor
to help the children to be overcomers. Do not let offenses come to them
from the very members of their own family. Do not permit your actions
and your words to be of a nature that your children will be provoked
to wrath. Yet they must be faithfully disciplined and corrected when
they do wrong
Give Praise Whenever Possible—Praise the children when they
do well, for judicious commendation is as great a help to them as it
is to those older in years and understanding. Never be cross-grained
in the sanctuary of the home. Be kind and tenderhearted, showing
Christian politeness, thanking and commending your children for the
help they give you
Be pleasant. Never speak loud, passionate words. In restraining
and disciplining your children, be firm, but kind. Encourage them to
do their duty as members of the family firm. Express your appreciation
of the efforts they put forth to restrain their inclinations to do wrong
Be just what you wish your children to be when they shall have
charge of families of their own. Speak as you would have them speak
Guard Tones of the Voice—Speak always in a calm, earnest
voice, in which no trace of passion is expressed. Passion is not neces-
sary to secure prompt obedience
Fathers and mothers, you are responsible for your children. Be
careful under what influences you place them. Do not, by scolding or
fretting, lose your own influence over them for good. You are to guide
them, not to stir up the passions of their mind. Whatever provocation
you may have, be sure that the tone of your voice betrays no irritation.
Do not let them see in you a manifestation of the spirit of Satan. This
Education, 292, 293
Manuscript 47, 1908
Manuscript 14, 1905
Manuscript 22, 1904
Manuscript 42, 1903
Letter 69, 1896