Child Guidance
used, not in passion, but with love and prayer, we would see happier
families and a better state of society
The neglect of Eli is brought plainly before every father and mother
in the land. As the result of his unsanctified affection or his unwill-
ingness to do a disagreeable duty, he reaped a harvest of iniquity in
his perverse sons. Both the parent who permitted the wickedness and
the children who practiced it were guilty before God, and He would
accept no sacrifice or offering for their transgression
Society Cursed by Defective Characters—Oh! when will par-
ents be wise? When will they see and realize the character of their
work in neglecting to require obedience and respect according to the
instructions of God’s Word? The results of this lax training are seen in
the children as they go out into the world and take their place at the
head of families of their own. They perpetuate the mistakes of their
parents. Their defective traits have full scope; and they transmit to
others the wrong tastes, habits, and tempers that were permitted to
develop in their own characters. Thus they became a curse instead of
a blessing to society
The wickedness which exists in the world today may be traced
to the neglect of parents to discipline themselves and their children.
Thousands upon thousands of Satan’s victims are what they are be-
cause of the injudicious way in which they were managed during their
childhood. The stern rebuke of God is upon this mismanagement
Slackening the Reins of Discipline—Children who are misruled,
who are not educated to obey and respect, link themselves with the
world and take their parents in hand, putting a bridle on them, and
leading them where they choose. Too often, at the very time when
the children should show unquestioning respect and obedience to the
counsel of their parents, the parents slacken the reins of discipline.
Parents who have hitherto been bright examples of consistent piety
are now led by their children. Their firmness is gone. Fathers who
have borne the cross of Christ, and kept the marks of the Lord Jesus on
The Signs of the Times, November 24, 1881
The Review and Herald, May 4, 1886
Testimonies For The Church 5:324, 325
Manuscript 49, 1901