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Chapter 52—Choosing the School
We Sustain Terrible Losses—At times I find myself wishing that
God would speak to parents with an audible voice as He spoke to
the wife of Manoah, telling them what they must do in training their
children. We are sustaining terrible losses in every branch of the
work through the neglect of home training. It was this that impressed
upon our minds the need of schools where a religious influence should
predominate. If anything can be done to counteract the great evil, in
the strength of Jesus we will do it
Facing a Momentous Issue—Parents, guardians, place your chil-
dren in training schools where the influences are similar to those of
a rightly conducted home school; schools in which the teachers will
carry them forward from point to point, and in which the spiritual
atmosphere is a savor of life unto life.... Whether or not our youth who
have received wise instruction and training from godly parents will
continue to be sanctified through the truth depends largely upon the
influence that, after leaving their homes, they meet among those to
whom they look for Christian instruction
Which Class of Educators?—There are two classes of educators
in the world. One class is those whom God makes channels of light,
and the other class is those whom Satan uses as his agents, who are
wise to do evil. One class contemplates the character of God and
increases in the knowledge of Jesus, whom God hath sent into the
world. This class becomes wholly given up to those things which
bring heavenly enlightenment, heavenly wisdom, to the uplifting of
the soul. Every capability of their nature is submitted to God, and
their thoughts are brought into captivity to Christ. The other class is
in league with the prince of darkness, who is ever on the alert that he
may find an opportunity to teach others the knowledge of evil
Manuscript 119, 1899
Testimonies For The Church 8:225, 226
Fundamentals of Christian Education, 174