Seite 243 - Child Guidance (1954)

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Church’s Responsibility
be hindered for lack of skillful laborers, who will do their work with
earnestness and fidelity
All to Share the Expense—Let all share the expense. Let the
church see that those who ought to receive its benefits are attending
the school. Poor families should be assisted. We cannot call ourselves
true missionaries if we neglect those at our very doors, who are at
the most critical age, and who need our aid to secure knowledge and
experience that will fit them for the service of God. The Lord would
have painstaking efforts made in the education of our children
Lift Financial Load of Training Worthy Youth—The churches
in different localities should feel that a solemn responsibility rests upon
them to train youth and educate talent to engage in missionary work.
When they see those in the church who give promise of making useful
workers, but who are not able to support themselves in the school,
they should assume the responsibility of sending them to one of our
training schools. There is excellent ability in the churches that needs
to be brought into service. There are persons who would do good
service in the Lord’s vineyard, but many are too poor to obtain without
assistance the education that they require. The churches should feel it
a privilege to take a part in defraying the expenses of such.
Those who have the truth in their hearts are always openhearted,
helping where it is necessary. They lead out, and others imitate their
example. If there are some who should have the benefit of the school,
but who cannot pay full price for their tuition, let the churches show
their liberality by helping them
A School Fund for Advanced Education—Let a fund be created
by generous contributions for the establishment of schools for the
advancement of educational work. We need men well trained, well
educated, to work in the interests of the churches. They should present
the fact that we cannot trust our youth to go to seminaries and colleges
established by other denominations, that we must gather them into
schools where their religious training shall not be neglected
Give to Missions, but Do Not Neglect Youth at Home—Shall
the members of the church give means to advance the cause of Christ
Counsels to Parents, Teachers, and Students, 43
Testimonies For The Church 6:217
Counsels to Parents, Teachers, and Students, 69
Counsels to Parents, Teachers, and Students, 44, 45