Seite 247 - Child Guidance (1954)

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Teachers and Parents in Partnership
disturbance or anxiety. They will be a support to their teachers and an
example and encouragement to their fellow pupils
The children will carry with them into the schoolroom the influence
of your training. As godly parents and godly teachers work in harmony,
the hearts of the children are prepared to take a deep interest in the
work of God in the church. The graces cultivated in the home are
carried into the church, and God is glorified
If parents are so engrossed in the business and pleasures of this life
that they neglect the proper discipline of their children, the work of
the teacher is not only made very hard and trying, but often rendered
wholly fruitless
The Teacher’s Work Is Supplemental—In the formation of char-
acter no other influences count so much as the influence of the home.
The teacher’s work should supplement that of the parents, but is not to
take its place. In all that concerns the well-being of the child, it should
be the effort of parents and teachers to co-operate
The instruction given the child in the home is to be such as will
help the teacher. In the home the child is to be taught the importance of
neatness, order, and thoroughness; and these lessons are to be repeated
in the school
When the child is old enough to be sent to school, the teacher
should co-operate with the parents, and manual training should be
continued as part of the school studies. There are many students who
object to this kind of work in the schools. They think useful employ-
ment, like learning a trade, degrading; but such have an incorrect idea
of what constitutes true dignity
The Home May Be Blessed Through the School—If he [the
teacher] labors patiently, earnestly, perseveringly, in Christ’s lines, the
reformatory work done in the school may extend to the homes of the
children, bringing into them a purer, more heavenly atmosphere. This
is indeed missionary work of the highest order
Education, 283
Letter 29, 1902
The Review and Herald, June 13, 1882
Education, 283
Manuscript 45, 1912
Counsels to Parents, Teachers, and Students, 146
Counsels to Parents, Teachers, and Students, 157