Chapter 55—Unity in Discipline
The Teacher Needs Tact in Management—Among the youth
will be found great diversity of character and education. Some have
lived in an element of arbitrary restraint and harshness, which has
developed in them a spirit of obstinacy and defiance. Others have
been household pets, allowed by overfond parents to follow their own
inclinations. Every defect has been excused, until their character is
deformed. To deal successfully with these different minds, the teacher
needs to exercise great tact and delicacy in management, as well as
firmness in government.
Dislike and even contempt for proper regulations will often be
manifested. Some will exercise all their ingenuity in evading penalties,
while others will display a reckless indifference to the consequences of
transgression. All this will call for more patience and greater exertion
on the part of those who are entrusted with their education
Let Rules Be Few and Well Considered—In the school as well
as in the home there should be wise discipline. The teacher must make
rules to guide the conduct of his pupils. These rules should be few
and well considered, and once made they should be enforced. Every
principle involved in them should be so placed before the student that
he will be convinced of its justice
The Teacher Must Enforce Obedience—In the school, as well
as in the home, the question of discipline should be understood. We
should hope that in the schoolroom there would never be occasion to
use the rod. But if in a school there are those who stubbornly resist
all counsel and entreaty, all prayers and burden of soul in their behalf,
then it is necessary to make them understand that they must obey.
Some teachers do not think it best to enforce obedience. They think
that their duty is merely to educate. True, they should educate. But
what does the education of children amount to if, when they disregard
Testimonies For The Church 5:88, 89
Counsels to Parents, Teachers, and Students, 153