Academy and College Training
Our Colleges Are Ordained of God—When I was shown by the
angel of God that an institution should be established for the education
of our youth, I saw that it would be one of the greatest means ordained
of God for the salvation of souls.... If the influence in our college is
what it should be, the youth who are educated there will be enabled
to discern God and glorify Him in all His works; and while engaged
in cultivating the faculties which God has given them, they will be
preparing to render Him more efficient service
The youth are to be encouraged to attend our schools, which should
become more and more like the schools of the prophets. Our schools
have been established by the Lord
Advantages of Experience in School Home—To a great extent
children who are to receive an education in our schools will make
far more permanent advancement if separated from the family circle
where they have received an erroneous education. It may be necessary
for some families to locate where they can board their children and
save expense, but in many cases it would prove a hindrance rather than
a blessing to their children
School Home for Wayward Daughter—The enemy has had his
way with your daughter until his toils have bound her about like bands
of steel, and it will require a strong, persevering effort to save her soul.
If you have success in this case, there must be no halfway work. The
habits of years cannot easily be broken. She should be placed where a
steady, firm, abiding influence is constantly exercised. I would advise
you to put her in the college at-----; let her have the discipline of the
boardinghouse. It is where she ought to have been years ago.
The boardinghouse is conducted upon a plan that makes it a good
home. This home may not suit the inclinations of some, but it is
because they have been educated to false theories, to self-indulgence
and self-gratification; and all their habits and customs have been in a
wrong channel. But, my dear sister, we are nearing the end of time;
and we want now, not to meet the world’s tastes and practices, but to
meet the mind of God, to see what saith the Scriptures, and then to
walk according to the light which God has given us. Our inclinations,
Testimonies For The Church 4:419-422
Fundamentals of Christian Education, 489
Fundamentals of Christian Education, 313