Seite 260 - Child Guidance (1954)

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Child Guidance
In many cases these youth have remained in school but a short
period, returning home with an unfinished education, that they may
have liberty to follow the bent of their untrained, undisciplined wills
which they could not have at school. The lessons of indulgence taught
them by an unwise father or mother have done their work for time and
for eternity, and the loss of these souls will be set to their account
An Education Outside the College Curriculum—Children and
youth should cultivate habits of thoroughness in the matter of educa-
tion. The college course does not embrace all the education which
they are to receive. They may be constantly learning lessons from the
things they see and hear. They may study from cause to effect, from
the surroundings and the circumstances of life. They may learn every
day something they must avoid, and something they may practice that
will elevate and ennoble them, giving solidity to the character and
strengthening in them those principles which are the foundation of
noble manhood and womanhood.
If they enter upon their education with careless purposes, well
content to pass along without any particular effort on their part, then
they will not reach the standard God would have them attain
Manuscript 119, 1899
The Youth’s Instructor, April 21, 1886