Child Guidance
Good cooks are few. Many, many mothers need to take lessons
in cooking, that they may set before the family well-prepared, neatly
served food
Seek to Become Mistress of the Art—Our sisters often do not
know how to cook. To such I would say, I would go to the very best
cook that could be found in the country, and remain there if necessary
for weeks, until I had become mistress of the art—an intelligent,
skillful cook. I would pursue this course if I were forty years old. It
is your duty to know how to cook, and it is your duty to teach your
daughters to cook
Study and Practice—Food can be prepared simply and health-
fully, but it requires skill to make it both palatable and nourishing. In
order to learn how to cook, women should study and then patiently
reduce what they learn to practice. People are suffering because they
will not take the trouble to do this. I say to such, It is time for you to
rouse your dormant energies and inform yourselves. Do not think the
time wasted which is devoted to obtaining a thorough knowledge and
experience in the preparation of healthful, palatable food. No matter
how long an experience you have had in cooking, if you still have the
responsibilities of a family, it is your duty to learn how to care for
them properly
Both Variety and Simplicity Are Essential—The meals should
be varied. The same dishes, prepared in the same way, should not
appear on the table meal after meal and day after day. The meals are
eaten with greater relish, and the system is better nourished, when the
food is varied
Our bodies are constructed from what we eat; and in order to make
tissues of good quality, we must have the right kind of food, and it
must be prepared with such skill as will best adapt it to the wants of
the system. It is a religious duty for those who cook to learn how
to prepare healthful food in a variety of ways, so that it may be both
palatable and healthful
Counsels on Diet and Foods, 263
Testimonies For The Church 2:370
Christian Temperance and Bible Hygiene, 49
The Ministry of Healing, 300
Christian Temperance and Bible Hygiene, 48, 49