Seite 291 - Child Guidance (1954)

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Homemaker in the Kitchen
care of families have little idea of the duties devolving upon a wife
and mother
Thus Build a Barrier Against Folly and Vice—When you are
teaching them [your daughters] the art of cookery, you are building
around them a barrier that will preserve them from the folly and vice
which they may otherwise be tempted to engage in
Men As Well As Women Should Learn to Cook—Men, as well
as women, need to understand the simple, healthful preparation of food.
Their business often calls them where they cannot obtain wholesome
food; then, if they have a knowledge of cookery, they can use it to
good purpose
Both young men and young women should be taught how to cook
economically and to dispense with everything in the line of flesh
Study Economy; Avoid Waste—In every line of cooking the
question that should be considered is, “How shall the food be pre-
pared in the most natural and inexpensive manner?” And there should
be careful study that the fragments of food left over from the table be
not wasted. Study how, that in some way these fragments of food shall
not be lost. This skill, economy, and tact is a fortune. In the warmer
parts of the season, prepare less food. Use more dry substance. There
are many poor families, who, although they have scarcely enough to
eat, can often be enlightened as to why they are poor; there are so
many jots and tittles wasted
Serious Questions for Reflection—“Whether therefore ye eat, or
drink, or whatsoever ye do, do all to the glory of God.” Do you do
this when you prepare food for your tables and call your family to
partake of it? Are you placing before your children only the food
that you know will make the very best blood? Is it that food that will
preserve their systems in the least feverish condition? Is it that which
will place them in the very best relation to life and health? Is this
the food that you are studying to place before your children? Or do
The Ministry of Healing, 302
Testimonies For The Church 2:370
The Ministry of Healing, 323
Counsels to Parents, Teachers, and Students, 313
Counsels on Diet and Foods, 258