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Child Guidance
correct her injurious management. Neither can she stop to soothe their
impatient worrying. She gives the little sufferers a piece of cake or
some other dainty to quiet them, but this only increases the evil....
Mothers often complain of the delicate health of their children,
and consult the physician; when, if they would but exercise a little
common sense, they would see that the trouble is caused by errors in
Late “Snacks” a Pernicious Habit—Another pernicious habit
is that of eating just before bedtime. The regular meals may have
been taken; but because there is a sense of faintness, more food is
taken. By indulgence this wrong practice becomes a habit and often
so firmly fixed that it is thought impossible to sleep without food. As a
result of eating late suppers, the digestive process is continued through
the sleeping hours. But though the stomach works constantly, its
work is not properly accomplished. The sleep is often disturbed with
unpleasant dreams, and in the morning the person awakes unrefreshed
and with little relish for breakfast. When we lie down to rest, the
stomach should have its work all done, that it, as well as the other
organs of the body, may enjoy rest. For persons of sedentary habits late
suppers are particularly harmful. With them the disturbance created is
often the beginning of disease that ends in death
AMother Counseled That Breakfast Is Important—Your child
has a nervous temperament, and her diet should be carefully guarded.
She should not be allowed to choose that food which will gratify the
taste without affording proper nourishment.... Never let her go from
home to school without her breakfast. Do not venture to give full
scope to your inclinations in this matter. Place yourself entirely under
the control of God, and He will help you to bring all your desires into
harmony with His requirements
It is the custom and order of society to take a slight breakfast. But
this is not the best way to treat the stomach. At breakfast time the
stomach is in a better condition to take care of more food than at the
second or third meal of the day. The habit of eating a sparing breakfast
Christian Temperance and Bible Hygiene, 61
The Ministry of Healing, 303, 304
Letter 69, 1896