Chapter 5—The Bible as a Textbook
The Child’s First Textbook—The Bible should be the child’s first
textbook. From this book, parents are to give wise instruction. The
Word of God is to be made the rule of the life. From it the children
are to learn that God is their father, and from the beautiful lessons
of His Word they are to gain a knowledge of His character. Through
the inculcation of its principles, they are to learn to do justice and
A Book of Promises, Blessings, and Reproofs—The mother
must keep her mind refreshed and stored with the promises and bless-
ings of God’s Word, and also the forbidden things, that when her
children do wrong she may present as a reproof the words of God, and
show them how they are grieving the Spirit of God. Teach them that
the approbation and smiles of Jesus are of greater value than the praise
or flattery or approval of the most wealthy, the most exalted, the most
learned of the earth. Lead them to Jesus Christ day by day, lovingly,
tenderly, earnestly. You must not allow anything to come between you
and this great work
Its Study Builds Character—The lessons of the Bible have a
moral and religious influence on the character, as they are brought
into the practical life. Timothy learned and practiced these lessons.
The great apostle often drew him out and questioned him in regard to
Scripture history. He showed him the necessity of shunning every evil
way and told him that blessing would surely attend all who are faithful
and true, giving them a faithful, noble manhood. A noble, all-round
manhood does not come by chance. It is the result of the molding
process of character building in the early years of youth, and a practice
of the law of God in the home. God will bless the faithful efforts of all
who teach their children as He has directed
Counsels to Parents, Teachers, and Students, 108, 109
The Review and Herald, April 14, 1885
Letter 33, 1897