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Chapter 64—The Home and the Temperance Crusade
Intemperance Is on the Rampage—Intemperance still continues
its ravages. Iniquity in every form stands like a mighty barrier to
prevent the progress of truth and righteousness. Social wrongs, born
of ignorance and vice, are still causing untold misery and casting their
baleful shadow upon both the church and the world. Depravity among
the youth is increasing instead of decreasing. Nothing but earnest,
continual effort will avail to remove this desolating curse. The conflict
with interest and appetite, with evil habits and unholy passions, will
be fierce and deadly; only those who shall move from principle can
gain the victory in this warfare
Intemperance is on the increase, in spite of the efforts made to
control it. We cannot be too earnest in seeking to hinder its progress, to
raise the fallen and shield the weak from temptation. With our feeble
human hands we can do but little, but we have an unfailing Helper.
We must not forget that the arm of Christ can reach to the very depths
of human woe and degradation. He can give us help to conquer even
this terrible demon of intemperance
Total Abstinence Is the Answer—The only way in which any
can be secure against the power of intemperance is to abstain wholly
from wine, beer, and strong drinks. We must teach our children that in
order to be manly they must let these things alone. God has shown us
what constitutes true manliness. It is he that overcometh who will be
honored, and whose name will not be blotted out of the book of life
Parents may, by earnest, persevering effort, unbiased by the cus-
toms of fashionable life, build a moral bulwark about their children
that will defend them from the miseries and crimes caused by intem-
perance. Children should not be left to come up as they will, unduly
developing traits that should be nipped in the bud; but they should be
disciplined carefully, and educated to take their position upon the side
Temperance, 234
Christian Temperance and Bible Hygiene, 21
Christian Temperance and Bible Hygiene, 37