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Child Guidance
as many do, having the dress of good, durable material, appropriate
for this age, and let not the dress question fill the mind. Our sisters
should dress with simplicity. They should clothe themselves in modest
apparel, with shamefacedness and sobriety. Give to the world a living
illustration of the inward adorning of the grace of God
Follow Prevailing Customs if Modest, Healthful, and Conve-
nient—Christians should not take pains to make themselves a gazing-
stock by dressing differently from the world. But if, when following
out their convictions of duty in respect to dressing modestly and health-
fully, they find themselves out of fashion, they should not change their
dress in order to be like the world; but they should manifest a noble
independence and moral courage to be right, if all the world differ
from them.
If the world introduce a modest, convenient, and healthful mode
of dress, which is in accordance with the Bible, it will not change
our relation to God or to the world to adopt such a style of dress.
Christians should follow Christ and make their dress conform to God’s
Word. They should shun extremes. They should humbly pursue a
straightforward course, irrespective of applause or of censure, and
should cling to the right because of its own merits
Avoid Extremes—Do not occupy your time by endeavoring to
follow all the foolish fashions in dress. Dress neatly and becomingly,
but do not make yourself the subject of remarks either by being over-
dressed or by dressing in a lax, untidy manner. Act as though you
knew that the eye of heaven is upon you, and that you are living under
the approbation or disapprobation of God
Care in Dress Not to Be Confused With Pride—There is a class
who are continually harping upon pride and dress, who are careless
of their own apparel, and who think it a virtue to be dirty, and dress
without order and taste; and their clothing often looks as if it flew and
lit upon their persons. Their garments are filthy, and yet such ones will
ever be talking against pride. They class decency and neatness with
Manuscript 167, 1897
Testimonies For The Church 1:458, 459
Manuscript 53, 1912
The Review and Herald, January 23, 1900