Seite 33 - Child Guidance (1954)

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Bible as a Textbook
might work in us. In no less marked a manner than He wrought then
will He work now wherever there are hearts of faith to be channels of
His power
Be strong in faith, and teach your children that we are all dependent
upon God. Read to them the story of the four Hebrew children, and
impress their minds with a realization of the influence for good that
was exerted in Daniel’s time because of strict adherence to principle
Make the Bible Lessons Simple—The parents are to teach their
children lessons from the Bible, making them so simple that they can
readily be understood
Teach your children that the commandments of God must become
the rule of their life. Circumstances may occur to separate them from
the parents and from their homes, but the lessons of instruction given
in childhood and youth will be a blessing to them throughout their
Education, 255, 256
Manuscript 33, 1909
Letter 189, 1903
Manuscript 57, 1897