Seite 336 - Child Guidance (1954)

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Child Guidance
day. Terrible is the effect of these fashions on the physical, mental, and
moral health. Lacking the courage to stand firm for the right, women
allow the current of popular feeling to draw them on in its wake....
Too often professedly Christian mothers sacrifice principle to their
desire to follow the multitude who make fashion their god. Conscience
protests, but they are not brave enough to take a decided stand against
the wrong
Parents—Take Care—Parents frequently dress their children in
extravagant garments, with much display of ornaments, then openly
admire the effect of their apparel and compliment them on their ap-
pearance. These foolish parents would be filled with consternation if
they could see how Satan seconds their efforts and urges them on to
greater follies
A Problem That Faces Many Mothers—Your daughters are in-
clined, if they see a dress different from that which they have, to desire
a dress similar to that. Or perhaps they want something else that they
see others have, which you do not feel would be in accordance with
your faith to grant them. Will you allow them to tease this thing out of
you, letting them mold you instead of molding them according to the
principles of the gospel? Our children are very precious in the sight of
God. Let us teach them the Word of God and train them in His ways.
It is your privilege to teach your children to live so that they will have
the commendation of Heaven....
Let us not encourage our children to follow the fashions of the
world; and if we will be faithful in giving them a right training, they
will not do this.... The fashions of the world often take a ridiculous
form, and you must take a firm position against them
The Fruitage of the Love of Display—Love of dress and pleasure
is wrecking the happiness of thousands. And some of those who
profess to love and keep the commandments of God ape this class as
near as they possibly can and retain the Christian name. Some of the
young are so eager for display that they are even willing to give up the
Christian name, if they can only follow out their inclination for vanity
of dress and love of pleasure
The Review and Herald, November 17, 1904
Pacific Health Journal, January, 1890
Manuscript 45, 1911
Testimonies For The Church 3:366