Seite 345 - Child Guidance (1954)

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Effects of Harmful Practices
admission for any person to make who names Christ. “Let everyone
that nameth the name of Christ depart from iniquity.” Why is this weak-
ness? It is because the animal propensities have been strengthened
by exercise, until they have gained the ascendancy over the higher
powers. Men and women lack principle. They are dying spiritually,
because they have so long pampered their natural appetites that their
power of self-government seems gone. The lower passions of their
nature have taken the reins, and that which should be the governing
power has become the servant of corrupt passion. The soul is held in
lowest bondage. Sensuality has quenched the desire for holiness and
withered spiritual prosperity
Communication With Heaven Is Severed—Solemn messages
from Heaven cannot forcibly impress the heart that is not fortified
against the indulgence of this degrading vice. The sensitive nerves of
the brain have lost their healthy tone by morbid excitation to gratify
an unnatural desire for sensual indulgence. The brain nerves which
communicate with the entire system are the only medium through
which Heaven can communicate to man and affect his inmost life.
Whatever disturbs the circulation of the electric currents in the nervous
system lessens the strength of the vital powers, and the result is a
deadening of the sensibilities of the mind. In consideration of these
facts, how important that ministers and people who profess godliness
should stand forth clear and untainted from this soul-debasing vice
Some Are Remorseful, but Self-respect Is Lost—The effect of
such debasing habits is not the same upon all minds. There are some
children who have the moral powers largely developed, who, by as-
sociating with children that practice self-abuse, become initiated into
this vice. The effect upon such will be too frequently to make them
melancholy, irritable, and jealous; yet such may not lose their respect
for religious worship and may not show special infidelity in regard
to spiritual things. They will at times suffer keenly from feelings
of remorse, and will feel degraded in their own eyes, and lose their
The Mind May Be Fortified Against Temptation—Moral power
is exceedingly weak when it comes in conflict with established habits.
Testimonies For The Church 2:348
Testimonies For The Church 2:347
Testimonies For The Church 2:392