Seite 352 - Child Guidance (1954)

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Child Guidance
young girl needs a mother to show her her place, to restrain her, and
teach her what belongs to a girl of her age.
The corrupting doctrine which has prevailed, that, as viewed from
a health standpoint, the sexes must mingle together, has done its
mischievous work. When parents and guardians manifest one tithe
of the shrewdness which Satan possesses, then can this association
of sexes be nearer harmless. As it is, Satan is most successful in his
efforts to bewitch the minds of the youth; and the mingling of boys
and girls only increases the evil twenty- fold
The Picture Is Not Colored—Do not deceive yourselves into the
belief that, after all, this matter is placed before you in an exaggerated
light. I have not colored the picture. I have stated facts which will
bear the test of the judgment. Awake! Awake! I beseech you, before it
shall be too late for wrongs to be righted, and you and your children
perish in the general ruin. Take hold of the solemn work, and bring to
your aid every ray of light you can gather than has shone upon your
pathway, and that you have not cherished; and, together with the aid
of the light now shining, commence an investigation of your life and
character as if you were before the tribunal of God
Until parents arouse, there is no hope for their children
Testimonies For The Church 2:482, 483
Testimonies For The Church 2:401
Testimonies For The Church 2:406