Child Guidance
Only in the light that shines from Calvary can nature’s teaching
be read aright. Through the story of Bethlehem and the cross let it be
shown how good is to conquer evil, and how every blessing that comes
to us is a gift of redemption.
In brier and thorn, in thistle and tare, is represented the evil that
blights and mars. In singing bird and opening blossom, in rain and
sunshine, in summer breeze and gentle dew, in ten thousand objects in
nature, from the oak of the forest to the violet that blossoms at its root,
is seen the love that restores. And nature still speaks to us of God’s
Lessons in the Ideal Schoolroom—As the dwellers in Eden
learned from nature’s pages, as Moses discerned God’s handwrit-
ing on the Arabian plains and mountains, and the Child Jesus on the
hillsides of Nazareth, so the children of today may learn of Him. The
unseen is illustrated by the seen
Cultivate a Love of Nature—Let the mother ... find time to cul-
tivate in herself and her children a love for the beautiful things of
nature. Let her point them to the glories spread out in the heavens, to
the thousand forms of beauty that adorn the earth, and then tell them
of Him who made them all. Thus she can lead their young minds
up to the Creator, and awaken in their hearts reverence and love for
the Giver of every blessing. The fields and hills—nature’s audience
chamber—should be the schoolroom for little children. Her treasures
should be their textbook. The lessons thus imprinted upon their minds
will not be soon forgotten.
Parents may do much to connect their children with God by en-
couraging them to love the things of nature which He has given them,
and to recognize the hand of the Giver in all they receive. The soil of
the heart may thus early be prepared for casting in the precious seeds
of truth, which in due time will spring up and bear a rich harvest
Join Birds in Songs of Praise—The little children should come
especially close to nature. Instead of putting fashion’s shackles upon
them, let them be free like the lambs, to play in the sweet, fresh
sunlight. Point them to shrubs and flowers, the lowly grass and the
lofty trees, and let them become familiar with their beautiful, varied,
Education, 101
Education, 100
The Signs of the Times, December 6, 1877