Child Guidance
is broken
Fathers and mothers, in full assurance of faith plead with your sons
and daughters. Let them not hear one impatient word from your lips.
If necessary, make to your children a heartfelt confession for having
allowed them to follow in the path of vanity and to displease the Lord,
who withheld not His Son from a lost world, that all might receive
pardon and forgiveness of sin....
Fathers and mothers who have in various ways indulged your
children to their hurt, God desires you to redeem the time. Take heed
while it is called today
Parents Have the Noblest Missionary Field—Make it your life-
work to form the characters of your children according to the divine
Pattern. If they ever possess the inward adorning, the ornament of
a meek and quiet spirit, it will be because you perseveringly trained
them to love the teachings of God’s Word and to seek the approval of
Jesus above the approbation of the world
As workers for God, our work is to begin with those nearest. It
is to begin in our own home. There is no more important missionary
field than this
We need missionary fervor in our homes, that we may bring the
Word of life before the members of our families and lead them to seek
a home in the kingdom of God
The management and instruction of children is the noblest mis-
sionary work that any man or woman can undertake
Parents as Artists to Shape Living Clay—How earnestly and
perseveringly the artist labors to transfer to canvas a perfect likeness
of his model; and how diligently the sculptor hews and chisels out the
stone into a counterpart of the copy he is following. So the parents
should labor to shape, polish, and refine their children after the pattern
given them in Christ Jesus. As the patient artist studies, and works,
and forms plans to make the results of his labors more perfect, so
should the parent consider time well spent that is occupied in training
Letter 68, 1899
Letter 66, 1910
The Review and Herald, October 9, 1883
Manuscript 19, 1900
Manuscript 101, 1908
Testimonies For The Church 6:205