Seite 394 - Child Guidance (1954)

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Child Guidance
Youth Especially Neglect Bible Study—Both old and young ne-
glect the Bible. They do not make it their study, the rule of their life.
Especially are the young guilty of this neglect. Most of them find time
to read other books, but the book that points out the way to eternal life
is not daily studied, Idle stories are attentively read, while the Bible is
neglected. This book is our guide to a higher, holier life. The youth
would pronounce it the most interesting book they ever read had not
their imagination been perverted by the reading of fictitious stories.
Youthful minds fail to reach their noblest development when they
neglect the highest source of wisdom—the Word of God. That we
are in God’s world, in the presence of the Creator; that we are made
in His likeness; that He watches over us and loves us and cares for
us—these are wonderful themes for thought and lead the mind into
broad, exalted fields of meditation. He who opens mind and heart to
the contemplation of such themes as these will never be satisfied with
trivial, sensational subjects
Parental Disregard Is Reflected in Children—Even when quite
young, children notice; and if the parents show that the Word of God is
not their guide and counselor, if they disregard the messages brought
to them, the same reckless spirit of, “I don’t care; I will have my own
way,” will be shown by the children
Give the Word Its Honored Place—As a people who have had
great light, we are to be uplifting in our habits, in our words, in our
domestic life and association. Give the Word its honored position
as a guide in the home. Let it be regarded as the counselor in every
difficulty, the standard of every practice. Will my brethren and sisters
be convinced that there can never be true prosperity to any soul in the
family circle unless the truth of God, the wisdom of righteousness,
presides? Every effort should be made by fathers and mothers to bring
their own minds up from the lazy habit of regarding the service of God
as a burden. The power of the truth must be a sanctifying agency in
the home
Parents, give your children, line upon line, precept upon precept,
the instruction contained in God’s Holy Word. This is the work you
pledged yourself to do when you were baptized. Let nothing of a
Counsels to Parents, Teachers, and Students, 138, 139
Manuscript 49, 1898
Letter 107, 1898