Child Guidance
God would have mothers seek constantly to improve both the mind
and the heart. They should feel that they have a work to do for Him in
the education and training of their children, and the more perfectly they
can improve their own powers, the more efficient will they become in
their work as parents
Parents Should Grow Intellectually and Morally—It is the duty
of mothers to cultivate their minds and keep their hearts pure. They
should improve every means within their reach for their intellectual
and moral improvement, that they may be qualified to improve the
minds of their children
Parents should be constant learners in the school of Christ. They
need freshness and power, that with the simplicity of Christ they may
teach the younger members of God’s family the knowledge of His
The Amazing Power of Christian Culture—Parents have not yet
aroused to understand the amazing power of Christian culture. There
are mines of truth to be worked that have been strangely neglected.
This careless indifference does not meet the approval of God. Parents,
God calls upon you to look at this matter with anointed eyes. You have
as yet only skimmed the surface. Take up your long-neglected work,
and God will co-operate with you. Do your work with wholehearted-
ness, and God will help you to make improvement. Begin by bringing
the gospel into the home life
We are now in God’s workshop. Many of us are rough stones from
the quarry. But as the truth of God is brought to bear upon us, every
imperfection is removed and we are prepared to shine as lively stones
in the heavenly temple, where we shall be brought into association,
not only with the holy angels, but with the King of heaven Himself
The Aim—Perfection—Mothers, will you not dispense with use-
less, unimportant labor for that which must perish with the using? Will
you not seek to draw near to God, that His wisdom may guide and His
grace assist you, in a work which will be as enduring as eternity? Aim
The Signs of the Times, February 9, 1882
Testimonies For The Church 3:147
The Signs of the Times, September 25, 1901
The Signs of the Times, April 3, 1901
Christian Temperance and Bible Hygiene, 161