Obedience Must Become a Habit
children to dishonor them when they are old, and bring sorrow to their
hearts when they are nearing the grave
Requirements Should Be Reasonable—The requirements of the
parents should always be reasonable; kindness should be expressed,
not by foolish indulgence, but by wise direction. Parents are to teach
their children pleasantly, without scolding or faultfinding, seeking to
bind the hearts of the little ones to them by silken cords of love. Let
all, fathers and mothers, teachers, elder brothers and sisters, become
an educating force to strengthen every spiritual interest, and to bring
into the home and the school life a wholesome atmosphere, which will
help the younger children to grow up in the nurture and admonition of
the Lord
In our own training of children, and in the training of children of
others, we have proved that they never love parents and guardians less
for restraining them from doing evil
Reasons for Obedience Should Be Given—Children are to learn
to obey in the family government. They are to form a symmetrical
character that God can approve, maintaining law in the home life.
Christian parents are to educate their children to obey the law of
God.... The reasons for this obedience and respect for the law of God
may be impressed upon the children as soon as they can understand
its nature, so that they will know what they should do, and what they
should abstain from doing
The Parent’s Word Should Be Law—Your children, that are
under your control, should be made to mind you. Your word should
be their law
Many Christian parents fail to command their children after them,
and then wonder that their children are perverse, disobedient, unthank-
ful, and unholy. Such parents are under the rebuke of God. They have
neglected to bring their children up in the nurture and admonition of
the Lord. They have failed to teach them the first lesson of Christianity:
“The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom.” “Foolishness,” says
the wise man, “is bound in the heart of a child.” The love of folly, the
Manuscript 18, 1891
Counsels to Parents, Teachers, and Students, 158, 159
The Review and Herald, May 10, 1898
Manuscript 126, 1897
The Review and Herald, September 19, 1854