Quietness, Respect, and Reverence
Parental Laxness Encourages Disrespect—If in their own
homes children are allowed to be disrespectful, disobedient, unthank-
ful, and peevish, their sins lie at the door of their parents
The mother ... is to rule her household wisely, in the dignity of her
motherhood. Her influence in the home is to be paramount; her word,
law. If she is a Christian, under God’s control, she will command the
respect of her children. Tell your children exactly what you require of
When parents do not maintain their authority, when the children go
to school, they have no particular respect for the teachers or principal
of the school. The reverence and respect that they should have, they
were never taught to have at home. Father and mother were on the
same level with the children
Results of Unchecked Impertinence—Show respect for your
children, and do not allow them to speak one disrespectful word to
A Wise Youthful Attitude—Wise is that young man and highly
blest who feels it to be his duty, if he has parents, to look up to them,
and if he has not, who regards his guardian, or those with whom he
lives, as counselors, as comforters, and in some respects as his rulers,
and who allows the restraints of his home to abide upon him
Reverence to Be Carefully Cherished [
Note: for a fuller treat-
ment of this subject, see chapter 80, “reverence for that which is
]—Reverence ... is a grace that should be carefully cherished.
Every child should be taught to show true reverence for God
The Lord desires us to understand that we must place our children
in right relation to the world, the church, and the family. Their relation
to the family is the first point to be considered. Let us teach them
to be polite to one another, and polite to God. “What do you mean,”
you may inquire, “by saying that we should teach them to be polite
to God?” I mean that they are to be taught to reverence our heavenly
Father and to appreciate the great and infinite sacrifice that Christ has
Letter 104, 1897
Counsels to Parents, Teachers, and Students, 111
Manuscript 14, 1894
Manuscript 114, 1903
Testimonies For The Church 2:308
Prophets and Kings, 236