Child Guidance
Erect Barriers Against Sensuality—Those who have charge of
God’s property in the souls and bodies of the children formed in His
image should erect barriers against the sensual indulgence of the age,
which is ruining the physical and moral health of thousands. If many
of the crimes of this time were traced to their true cause, it would be
seen that they are chargeable to the ignorance of fathers and mothers
who are indifferent on this subject. Health and life itself are being
sacrificed to this lamentable ignorance.
Parents, if you fail to give your children the education which God
has made it your duty to give them, you must answer to Him for the
results. These results will not be confined merely to your children. As
the one thistle permitted to grow in the field produces a harvest of its
kind, so the sins resulting from your neglect will work to ruin all who
come within the sphere of their influence
Fill the Mind With Images of Purity—The Christian life is one
of constant self-denial and self-control. These are the lessons to be
taught the children from their infancy. Teach them that they must
practice temperance, purity in thought and heart and act, that they
belong to God because they have been bought with a price, even the
precious blood of His dear Son
If in their tender years the minds of children are filled with pleasant
images of truth, of purity and goodness, a taste will be formed for
that which is pure and elevated, and their imagination will not become
easily corrupted or defiled. While if the opposite course is pursued,
if the minds of the parents are continually dwelling upon low scenes;
if their conversation lingers over objectionable features of character;
if they form a habit of speaking complainingly of the course others
have pursued, the little ones will take lessons from the words and
expressions of contempt and will follow the pernicious example. The
evil impress, like the taint of the leprosy, will cleave to them in afterlife.
The seed sown in infancy by the careful, God-fearing mother will
become trees of righteousness, which will blossom and bear fruit; and
the lessons given by a God-fearing father by precept and example will,
as in the case of Joseph, yield an abundant harvest by and by
The Review and Herald, June 27, 1899
Christian Temperance and Bible Hygiene, 145
Good Health, January 1880