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Christian Leadership
in self-righteousness.—
Letter 4, 1890
(March 9, 1890 to Brethren in
Wisdom from Above—Men are wanted who feel their need of
wisdom from above, men who are converted at heart, who understand
that they are but sinful mortals and must learn their lessons in the
school of Christ before they are prepared to mold other minds. When
men have learned to depend on God, when they have faith that works
by love, and purifies their own souls, then they will not lay on other
men’s shoulders burdens that are grievous to be borne.—
Letter 83,
(May 22, 1896, To O. A. Olsen).
Haphazard Leadership—You love praise and excitement and to
bring yourself to the front. You care far more for the approbation and
praise of men than for the approval of God. You lead others. They
do not know where you are leading them neither do you, because you
go on haphazard, heedless, impulsive, without sound judgment, or
heavenly wisdom. God has warned you. God has counseled you. Have
you trembled at His word? Have you resisted temptations? Have you
separated yourself more and from worldly influences?—
Letter 3, 1882
p. 3 (April 1, 1882).
God Exalts the Humble—He is most fit to carry responsibilities
and command who most resembles God in character,—in goodness,
mercy, and staunch loyalty to the cause and work of God. Every
one needs now to work for brother, for friend, for neighbor, and for
stranger, drawing the mind away from the discouragements that will
crowd in. The truth is to be magnified. We must not be surprised at
strange movements. No one must seek exaltation. The more humbly
we move and work, the more will we be exalted with God. The return
of Jesus Christ to our world will not be long delayed. This is to be the
keynote of every message.—
Letter 39, 1898
, p. 13 (March 27, 1898
to Brethren Woods and Miller).
Time For a Change—There is much for men in responsible po-
sitions to learn. When men feel that their ideas are without a flaw,
it is time for them to change their position from president to that of
a learner. When they think that their ideas, their judgment, should
be accepted without question, they show that they are unfit for their
position. God sees not as man sees. Whatever position a man may
be called to fill, his judgment is not to be regarded as unerring. His
entrusted responsibility makes it far more needful than it otherwise