Seite 21 - Christian Leadership (1985)

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would be for him to be free from all egotism, and willing to receive
Manuscript 55, 1897
(June 3, 1897, “Development of Work-
Extorting Means to be Used in God’s Cause—Has there been
any of this rejoicing among those who have been given positions of
responsibility in the work of God? It is a shame to them, and when
they see what an offense their course was to God, they will be filled
with shame. The anger of the Lord is kindled against those who can
rejoice in the robbery of their fellow men, who extort means to be
used for the advantage of the cause. The Lord asks, Who gave these
men this authority? The cause of God was dearer to the ones they
were robbing, than it was to them. They exercised their ingenuity, a
precious talent entrusted to them by God to be used to glorify him, to
make it as hard as possible for those who were earnestly and sincerely
seeking to do the will of God. In this they manifested the attributes of
Letter 34, 1899
, P. 12 (February 14, 1899).
Position Does Not Give Holiness—Solomon was never so rich or
so wise or so truly great as when he confessed, “I am but a little child:
I know not how to go out or come in.”
Those who today occupy positions of trust should seek to learn
the lesson taught by Solomon’s prayer. The higher the position a
man occupies, the greater the responsibility that he has to bear, the
wider will be the influence that he exerts and the greater his need of
dependence on God. Ever should he remember that with the call to
work comes the call to walk circumspectly before his fellow men. He
is to stand before God in the attitude of a learner. Position does not
give holiness of character. It is by honoring God and obeying His
commands that a man is made truly great.
So long as he remains consecrated, the man who God has endowed
with discernment and ability will not manifest an eagerness for high
position, neither will he seek to rule or control. Of necessity men must
bear responsibilities; but instead of striving for the supremacy, he who
is a true leader will pray for an understanding heart, to discern between
good and evil.—
Prophets and Kings, 30, 31
Leaders Are Learners—Those who accept a position of respon-
sibility in the cause of God should always remember that with the call
to this work God has also called them to walk circumspectly before
Him and before their fellow men. Instead of considering it their duty