Seite 22 - Christian Leadership (1985)

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Christian Leadership
to order and dictate and command, they should realize that they are to
be learners themselves. When a responsible worker fails to learn this
lesson, the sooner he is released from his responsibilities the better
it will be for him and for the work of God. Position never will give
holiness and excellence of character. He who honors God and keeps
His commandments is himself honored.
The question which each should ask himself in all humility is:
“Am I qualified for this position? Have I learned to keep the way of
the Lord to do justice and judgment?” The Saviour’s earthly example
has been given us that we should not walk in our own strength, but
that each should consider himself, as Solomon expressed it, “a little
Testimonies for the Church 9:282, 283
A Fatal Deception--There is a most fearful, fatal deception upon
human minds. Because men are in positions of trust, connected with
the work of God, they are exalted in their own estimation, and do not
discern that other souls, fully as precious in the sight of God as their
own, are neglected, and handled roughly, and bruised, and wounded,
and left to die.—
Testimonies to Ministers and Gospel Workers, 357,
Prominent Characters Special Target For Satan—David knew
that it would require humility of heart, a constant trust in God, and
unceasing watchfulness, to withstand the temptations that would surely
beset Solomon in his exalted station; for such prominent characters
are a special mark for the shafts of Satan.—
Patriarchs and Prophets,
750, 751
Cultivate Humble Dependence—Men whom the Lord calls to
important positions in His work are to cultivate a humble dependence
upon Him. They are not to seek to embrace too much authority; for
God has not called them to a work of ruling, but to plan and counsel
with their fellow laborers. Every worker alike is to hold himself
amenable to the requirements and instructions of God.-
for the Church 9:270