Seite 490 - The Desire of Ages (1898)

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The Desire of Ages
They greet Him with the waving of palm branches and a burst of sacred
song. The priests at the temple sound the trumpet for evening service,
but there are few to respond, and the rulers say to one another in alarm.
“The world is gone after Him.”
Never before in His earthly life had Jesus permitted such a demon-
stration. He clearly foresaw the result. It would bring Him to the cross.
But it was His purpose thus publicly to present Himself as the Re-
deemer. He desired to call attention to the sacrifice that was to crown
His mission to a fallen world. While the people were assembling at
Jerusalem to celebrate the Passover, He, the antitypical Lamb, by a
voluntary act set Himself apart as an oblation. It would be needful for
His church in all succeeding ages to make His death for the sins of the
world a subject of deep thought and study. Every fact connected with
it should be verified beyond a doubt. It was necessary, then, that the
eyes of all people should now be directed to Him; the events which
preceded His great sacrifice must be such as to call attention to the
sacrifice itself. After such a demonstration as that attending His entry
into Jerusalem, all eyes would follow His rapid progress to the final
The events connected with this triumphal ride would be the talk
of every tongue, and would bring Jesus before every mind. After
His crucifixion, many would recall these events in their connection
with His trial and death. They would be led to search the prophecies,
and would be convinced that Jesus was the Messiah; and in all lands
converts to the faith would be multiplied.
In this one triumphant scene of His earthly life, the Saviour might
have appeared escorted by heavenly angels, and heralded by the trump
of God; but such a demonstration would have been contrary to the
purpose of His mission, contrary to the law which had governed His
life. He remained true to the humble lot He had accepted. The burden
of humanity He must bear until His life was given for the life of the
This day, which seemed to the disciples the crowning day of their
lives, would have been shadowed with gloomy clouds had they known
that this scene of rejoicing was but a prelude to the suffering and
death of their Master. Although He had repeatedly told them of His
certain sacrifice, yet in the glad triumph of the present they forgot