Seite 491 - The Desire of Ages (1898)

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“Thy King Cometh”
His sorrowful words, and looked forward to His prosperous reign on
David’s throne.
New accessions were made continually to the procession, and,
with few exceptions, all who joined it caught the inspiration of the
hour, and helped to swell the hosannas that echoed and re-echoed from
hill to hill and from valley to valley. The shouts went up continually,
“Hosanna to the Son of David: Blessed is He that cometh in the name
of the Lord! Hosanna in the highest.”
Never before had the world seen such a triumphal procession.
It was not like that of the earth’s famous conquerors. No train of
mourning captives, as trophies of kingly valor, made a feature of that
scene. But about the Saviour were the glorious trophies of His labors
of love for sinful man. There were the captives whom He had rescued
from Satan’s power, praising God for their deliverance. The blind
whom He had restored to sight were leading the way. The dumb whose
tongues He had loosed shouted the loudest hosannas. The cripples
whom He had healed bounded with joy, and were the most active
in breaking the palm branches and waving them before the Saviour.
Widows and orphans were exalting the name of Jesus for His works
of mercy to them. The lepers whom He had cleansed spread their
untainted garments in His path, and hailed Him as the King of glory.
Those whom His voice had awakened from the sleep of death were in
that throng. Lazarus, whose body had seen corruption in the grave, but
who now rejoiced in the strength of glorious manhood, led the beast
on which the Saviour rode.
Many Pharisees witnessed the scene, and, burning with envy and
malice, sought to turn the current of popular feeling. With all their
authority they tried to silence the people; but their appeals and threats
only increased the enthusiasm. They feared that this multitude, in the
strength of their numbers, would make Jesus king. As a last resort they
pressed through the crowd to where the Saviour was, and accosted Him
with reproving and threatening words: “Master, rebuke Thy disciples.”
They declared that such noisy demonstrations were unlawful, and
would not be permitted by the authorities. But they were silenced by
the reply of Jesus, “I tell you that, if these should hold their peace,
the stones would immediately cry out.” That scene of triumph was of
God’s own appointing. It had been foretold by the prophet, and man
was powerless to turn aside God’s purpose. Had men failed to carry