Page 295 - Early Writings (1882)

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who stood with him in proclaiming the Advent message. They led
him to reject the Sabbath truth as it came to his attention soon after
the Disappointment. For this they, and not William Miller, will be
held responsible. Ellen White writes of this experience on page 258,
and assures us that Miller will be among those who will be called
from their graves at the sound of the last trump
Pages 232-240, 254-258:
Three Angels’ Messages of
.—In a series of three chapters, beginning on page 232, Ellen
White discusses the first, second, and third angels’ messages. She
was writing for those who with her had passed through the great
Advent Awakening and the disappointments of the spring and fall
of 1844. She did not attempt to enter into an explanation of these
three messages, but assumed that her readers had a full knowledge
of this experience. She presented that which would bring courage
and understanding to her fellow believers in the light of their ex-
perience. We must turn to her book
The Great Controversy
for a
detailed account of the burden of these messages. The first angel’s
message sounded the warning of the approach of the hour of God’s
judgment. See
The Great Controversy
, chapters “Heralds of the
Morning,” Pages 299-316; “An American Reformer,” pages 317-
342; and “A Great Religious Awakening,” Pages 355-374. For the
presentation of the message of the second angel, see the chapter
“A Warning Rejected,” beginning on page 375. The account of the
disappointment is presented in the chapters “Prophecies Fulfilled,”
Pages 391-408; “What is the Sanctuary?” pages 409-422; and “The
Holy of Holies,” pages 423-432. The third angel’s message is set
forth in the chapter “God’s Law Immutable,” pages 433-450; and “A
Work of Reform,” pages 451-460
Page 238:
Close of the Second Angel’s Message
.—While we
understand clearly that the messages of the first and second and third
angels are messages that have their application today, we recognize
also that in their initial proclamation the sounding of the first angel’s
message with its declaration that “the hour of God’s judgment is
come” is linked with the proclamation of the expected advent of
Christ in the 1830’s and early 1840’s. The second angel’s message
had its initial sounding early in the summer of 1844 in the call to
the Advent believers to come out of the nominal churches that had
rejected the proclamation of the first angel’s message. And while