Page 296 - Early Writings (1882)

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Early Writings
it is true that the second angel’s message continues to be present
truth, there was a climactic closing up of the second angel’s message
immediately preceding October 22, 1844. When the messages of the
three angels come prominently before the world again just before
the second advent of Christ, the angel of
Revelation 18:1
Joins in
the proclamation of the second angel in the message that “Babylon
is fallen.” “Come out of her, my people.” See the chapter “The Final
Warning” in
The Great Controversy, 603-612
Page 254: See appendix note for pages 232-240
Page 276:
Slaves and Master
.—According to
Revelation 6:15,
there will be slavery at the second advent of Christ. Here we
find the words “every bondman, and every free man.” The statement
by Ellen White under discussion indicates that she was shown in
vision the slave and the slave master at the second advent of Christ.
In this she is in perfect accord with the Bible. Both John and Mrs.
White were shown conditions that would exist at the second coming
of our Lord. While it is true that negro slaves in the United States
were freed by the emancipation proclamation, which went into effect
six years after statement under discussion was penned, the message
is not made invalid, for even today there are millions of men and
women in actual or virtual slavery in different parts of the world. It
is not possible to pass judgment on a prophecy of the future until we
have reached the time for the fulfillment of that prophecy