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“Love suffereth long, and is kind;
Love envieth not;
Love vaunteth not itself,
Is not puffed up,
Doth not behave itself unseemly,
Seeketh not its own,
Is not provoked,
Taketh not account of evil;
Rejoiceth not in unrighteousness,
But rejoiceth with the truth;
Beareth all things,
Believeth all things,
Hopeth all things,
Endureth all things.
Love never faileth.”
1 Corinthians 13:4-8
, R.V.
Another precious grace that should be carefully cherished is rev-
erence. True reverence for God is inspired by a sense of His infinite
greatness and a realization of His presence. With this sense of the
Unseen the heart of every child should be deeply impressed. The hour
and place of prayer and the services of public worship the child should
be taught to regard as sacred because God is there. And as reverence
is manifested in attitude and demeanor, the feeling that inspires it will
be deepened.
Well would it be for young and old to study and ponder and often
repeat those words of Holy Writ that show how the place marked by
God’s special presence should be regarded.
“Put off thy shoes from off thy feet,” He commanded Moses at the
burning bush; “for the place whereon thou standest is holy ground.”
Exodus 3:5
Jacob, after beholding the vision of the angels, exclaimed, “The
Lord is in this place; and I knew it not.... This is none other but the
house of God, and this is the gate of heaven.”
Genesis 28:16, 17
“The Lord is in His holy temple: let all the earth keep silence
before Him.”
Habakkuk 2:20