Seite 174 - Fundamentals of Christian Education (1923)

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Fundamentals of Christian Education
things to which they see objections, but would hold their mouth as
with a bridle, and would seek the Lord in earnest prayer that His Holy
Spirit might rest upon them, that they might have a burden for souls for
whom Christ died, they would find that their darkness would flee away,
and light and hope would come into their souls. Self-esteem would
vanish, and they would become teachable as children. Stubbornness
would melt away in contemplation of the love of God, and their hearts
would glow, touched with a coal from off the altar. Sorrow would
be banished, and cheerfulness take its place; for the infinite love and
goodness of God would be the theme of their testimony.
Those who would be overcomers must be drawn out of themselves;
and the only thing which will accomplish this great work, is to become
intensely interested in the salvation of others. This does not mean that
you are to convert men to your way of doing, or to compel them to
view things in the same light as you do; but you are to seek to present
the truth as it is in Jesus, and laboring to be a blessing to others, you
will be blessed of God abundantly. That you have done and are doing
something to enlarge the boundaries of the kingdom of God in rescuing
poor souls from Satan’s yoke of superstition and error, will rejoice the
heart, and broaden your ideas and plans. As you identify your interest
with that of Christ, you will sanctify to God your talent of ability,
influence, and means. Some of you will consider it your privilege to
leave your homes that you may labor in the islands of the sea, and
rescue souls from the bondage of sin and error. As you gain a new
and deeper experience, you will learn what it is to pray in the Holy
Spirit; and those who are backslidden from God will be reclaimed,
and there will be more anxiety manifested to learn of Jesus to be meek
and lowly of heart, than to point out the mistakes and errors of your
brethren; for by faith you accept Christ as your personal Saviour. You
will not then come to meeting to tell your doubts and fears. You will
have something better to talk about; for your hearts will be enlarged,
having the peace of Christ, which passeth understanding. This is the
experience that God would have you understand in this country.
But in order to reach this experience, definite steps must be taken.
The methods and plans by which the work is to be done must be after
the Lord’s order, not after your individual ideas, and the results will
more than compensate for the outlay. Missionary effort will become
more general, and the example of one zealous worker, working in the