Seite 175 - Fundamentals of Christian Education (1923)

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Relation of Education to the Work of God
right direction, will influence others, and they also will go forth to
preach the gospel. The missionary spirit will pass from house to house,
and the brethren will find something to talk about of more interest
than their grievances. They will be interested in displaying the jewels
of truth which the Bible contains, and churches will be established,
meetinghouses erected, and many will come to the help of the Lord.
The brethren will be united in bonds of love, and will realize their
unity with experienced Christians in all parts of the world, as they are
one in their plans, one in the object of their interest. An advance step
taken by those at the head of the work will be felt by those in this
country and in all lands, and those in foreign countries will respond to
the effort made at the center of the work in following our great Leader;
and so, through the conversion of souls to the truth, a volume of praise
will rise to Him who sitteth upon the throne.
The missionary work in Australia and New Zealand is yet in its
infancy; but the same work must be accomplished in Australia, New
Zealand, in Africa, India, China, and the islands of the sea, as has
been accomplished in the home field. Under the appropriate symbol
of an angel flying through the midst of heaven is represented the work
of the people of God. In this work heavenly intelligences co-operate
with human agencies in extending the last message to the inhabitants
of the world. But the plans and work of men are not keeping pace
with the providence of God; for while some in these countries who
claim to believe the truth declare by their attitude, “We want not Thy
way, O Lord, but our own way,” there are many who are pleading
with God that they may understand what is truth. In secret places they
are weeping and praying that they may see light in the Scriptures;
and the Lord of heaven has commissioned His angels to co-operate
with human agencies in carrying forward His vast design, that all who
desire light may behold the glory of God. We are to follow where
God’s providence opens the way; and as we advance, we shall find that
Heaven has moved before us, enlarging the field for labor far beyond
the proportion of our means and ability to supply. The great want of the
field open before us, should appeal to all to whom God has intrusted
talents of means or ability, that they may devote themselves and their
all to God. We are to be as faithful stewards, not only of our means,
but of the grace given unto us, that many souls may be brought under
the blood-stained banner of Prince Immanuel. The purposes and ends