Seite 176 - Fundamentals of Christian Education (1923)

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Fundamentals of Christian Education
to be attained by consecrated missionaries are very comprehensive.
The field for missionary operation is not limited by caste or nationality.
The field is the world, and the light of truth is to go to all the dark
places of the earth in a much shorter time than many think possible.
God purposes to set in operation agencies in your own country to
aid in this great work of enlightening the world. He designs to employ
you and your children as soldiers to act a part in this aggressive warfare
against the powers of darkness, and you surely will not ignore God’s
blessing, and regard lightly the privilege extended to you! He would
have you engage in the conflict, striving together for His glory, not
seeking for the supremacy, not striving to exalt self by depreciating
others. He would endow you with the true missionary spirit, which
elevates, purifies, and ennobles whatever it touches, making pure and
good and noble all who voluntarily come under its influence; for every
agent who co-operates with the heavenly intelligences will be endued
with power from on high, and represent the character of Christ. The
missionary spirit enables us to appreciate more fully the words of
the Lord’s prayer, when He directs us to pray, “Thy kingdom come.
Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven.” The missionary spirit
broadens our thoughts, and brings us into union with all who have a
comprehension of the expanding influence of the Holy Spirit.
God would disperse the clouds that have gathered about souls in
these colonies, and unite all our brethren in Christ Jesus. He would
have us bound in bands of Christian fellowship, filled with love for
souls for whom Christ has died. Said Christ, “This is My command-
ment, That ye love one another, as I have loved you.” He would have
us united in heart and plans to do the great work committed to us.
Brethren should stand shoulder to shoulder, uniting their prayers at
the throne of grace, that they may move the arm of the Omnipotent.
Heaven and earth will then be closely connected in the work, and there
will be joy and gladness in the presence of the angels of God, when
the lost sheep is found and restored.
The Holy Spirit, that melts and subdues the human heart will lead
men to do the works of Christ. They will heed the injunction, “Sell
that ye have, and give alms; provide yourselves bags which wax not
old, a treasure in the heavens that faileth not.” Christ gave Himself
for us, and His followers are required to give themselves, with their
talents of means and ability, to Him. What more could the Lord do for