Seite 177 - Fundamentals of Christian Education (1923)

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Relation of Education to the Work of God
man than that which He has done? And shall we not render unto Him
all that we have and are, practicing self-sacrifice, and self-denial? If
we are the disciples of Christ, it will be made manifest to the world
through our love for those for whom He died.
It was through the spirit of love that the gospel was brought to you,
and to all men who have a knowledge of God. We are required not
merely to admire men whom God has used, to wish that we had such
men now, but to yield ourselves to be used of God as His human agents.
It was His Spirit that inspired their efforts, and He can abundantly
bestow upon His workers today the same courage, zeal, earnestness,
and devotion. It was Jesus who gave these men grace, power, fortitude,
and perseverance, and He is willing to do the same for every one who
would be a true missionary.
God has begun to work in this country, and the church must unite
with heavenly intelligences, manifesting holy activity, and by exer-
cising their powers become more efficient to save souls and glorify
God. We who have seen the light of truth, are called upon to aid in its
advancement, to waken to the large responsibility of the missionary
work to be accomplished in our borders; and it is the duty of every
soul to co-operate with those who would advance the work. Let every
one seek to draw in even cords with Christ. Let us hide our ways
in God’s ways, that all variance may cease, that Christ’s character
may be represented in kindness, forbearance, self-denial, meekness,
humility, and love. Let all join heartily to do the utmost of their ability
to support the school that is now to be established; for in the hands of
God it may be the means of educating workers to shed forth the light
of truth upon the people. Who will be on the Lord’s side? Who will
now see the work to be done, and do it?—Supplement to
The Bible
Echo, September 1, 1892