Seite 183 - Fundamentals of Christian Education (1923)

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Need of Trained Workers
to suit themselves, and they place eternal interests in subordination to
earthly and temporal matters. But how presumptuous is this to deal
thus with that which is most essential, and most easily lost.
Where are those who would be wise laborers together with God?
The apostle says, “Ye are God’s husbandry, ye are God’s building.”
But will men trust that they may be able under pressure of circum-
stances to step into some important position, when they have neglected
to train and discipline themselves for the work? Will they imagine
that they may be polished instruments in the hands of God for the
salvation of souls for whom Christ died, when they have neglected to
use the opportunities placed at their command for obtaining a fitness
for the work? “We wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against
principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this
world, against spiritual wickedness in high places. Wherefore take
unto you the whole armor of God, that ye may be able to withstand
in the evil day, and having done all, to stand.” Every one needs to
improve his God-given faculties and opportunities, that individually
we may be laborers together with God.
God is continually working for us that we may come behind in no
gift. He has given us our physical, mental, and moral powers, and if
we improve as we should, we shall be able to meet the supernatural
powers of darkness and conquer them. Jesus has pointed out the
way of life, He has made manifest the light of truth, He has given
the Holy Spirit, and endowed us richly with everything essential to
our perfection. But these advantages are not acknowledged, and we
overlook our privileges and opportunities, and fail to co-operate with
the heavenly intelligences, and thus fail to become noble, intelligent
workers for God. Those to whom their own way looks more attractive
than does the way of the Lord, cannot be used in His service, for they
would misrepresent the character of Christ, and lead souls away from
acceptable service to God.
Those who work for the Master must be well-disciplined, that they
may stand as faithful sentinels. They must be men and women who
will carry out the plans of God for the wise improvement of the minds
of those who come under their influence. They must unite with all
the agencies who are seeking to fulfill the will of God in saving a
lost world. Christ has given Himself, the just for the unjust, He has
died on Calvary’s cross, and He has intrusted to human agencies the