Seite 184 - Fundamentals of Christian Education (1923)

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Fundamentals of Christian Education
work of completing the great measure of redeeming love; for man co-
operates with God in His effort to save the perishing. In the neglected
duties of the church we read the retarding of the fulfillment of the
purpose of God; but if men fail to accomplish their work, it would be
better had they never been born. Great evil will follow the neglect of
co-operating with God; for eternal life will be lost. Our success as
candidates for heaven will depend on our earnestness in fulfilling the
conditions upon which eternal life is granted. We must receive and
obey the word of God, we cannot be idlers, and float with the current.
We must be diligent students of the word of God. We must train and
educate ourselves as good soldiers of Christ. We must advance the
work, becoming laborers together with God.—
The Review and Herald,
February 14, 1893