Seite 204 - Fundamentals of Christian Education (1923)

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Fundamentals of Christian Education
truth. In His teaching He drew illustrations from the things of nature
and the common transactions of life, with which they were familiar.
Thus the truth became to them a living reality; the scenes of nature
and the affairs of daily life were ever repeating to them the Saviour’s
precious teachings. Christ’s manner of teaching was just what He
desires His servants to follow.
The speaker who has not a thorough education may sometimes
fall into errors of grammar or pronunciation; he may not employ the
most eloquent expressions or the most beautiful imagery, but if he has
himself eaten of the Bread of Life; if he has drunk of the Fountain of
Life, he can feed the hungry souls; he can give of the Water of Life
to him that is athirst. His defects will be forgiven and forgotten. His
hearers will not become weary or disgusted, but will thank God for
the message of grace sent them through His servant.
If the worker has consecrated himself fully to God and is diligent
in prayer for strength and heavenly wisdom, the grace of Christ will be
his teacher, and he will overcome great defects and become more and
more intelligent in the things of God. But let none take license from
this to be indolent, to squander time and opportunities, and neglect
the training that is essential for him in order to become efficient. The
Lord is in no wise pleased with those who have opportunities to obtain
knowledge but who excuse themselves in neglecting to improve all
the privileges He has placed within their reach that they may become
intelligent, well qualified workers, of whom He will not be ashamed.
Above all other people upon the earth, the man whose mind is
enlightened by the opening of the word of God to his understanding,
will feel that he must give himself to greater diligence in the perusal of
the word of God, and to a diligent study of the sciences, for his hope
and calling are greater than any other. The more closely connected
man is with the Source of all knowledge and wisdom, the more he
can be advantaged intellectually as well as spiritually through his
relation to God. The knowledge of God is the essential education, and
this knowledge every true worker will make it his constant study to
Christian Education, 143