Seite 205 - Fundamentals of Christian Education (1923)

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Chapter 33—Students Deciding their Eternal Destiny
Let the students remember that to form characters that will stand
the test of the judgment, is very serious business. You yourselves
are responsible for the kind of character you build. No professor in
an institution of learning can make your character. You yourselves
decide your own eternal destiny. It is necessary to contemplate such
characters as are worthy of imitation. We refer you to Joseph in Egypt,
and to Daniel in Babylon. These youths were tried and proved; and
because they stood firm to principle, they became representative men,
and patterns of integrity. I would say to the youth at our institutions
of learning, whether you profess to believe or not, that you are now
in probationary time, and a second probation will not come to any of
you. This is the only opportunity you will have of standing the test
and proving of God.
With the deepest interest the angels of God in the heavenly courts
are watching the development of character; and from the records in the
books of heaven, actions are weighed, and moral worth is measured.
Every day the record of your life is passed unto God, just as it is,
whether it is one of merit or of demerit. You are lacking in true
elevation and nobility of soul, and no man can give you the character
you need. The only way you can attain to the standard of moral
worth by which you are to be measured, is to depend upon Christ, and
co-operate with Him in steadfast, earnest, determined purpose.
Those who do this will not bring into their work a spirit of lightness,
of frivolity, and of love of amusement. They will consider that at no
small cost to their parents or to themselves, they have come to the
school to obtain a better knowledge of the sciences, and to get a more
comprehensive understanding of both the Old and New Testament. I
would address you as those who have reasoning minds, and who have
an intelligent understanding of your privileges and duties. Would it not
be best for you to co-operate with your teachers, in order that you may
reach the very highest standard that it is possible for you to attain?
Time is more valuable to you than gold, and you should improve every