Seite 321 - Fundamentals of Christian Education (1923)

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Books and Authors in Our Schools
in their behalf in the blood of Jesus, and the power and efficiency of
the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ to keep them from falling; because
they are constantly seeking the strongholds of a healthful and well-
balanced Christian experience, carrying with them qualifications for
future usefulness, and intelligence, and piety. The teachers see and feel
that they must labor not to dwarf and taint the minds of their associates,
with a sickly half-religious service. There is need of separating from
our educational institutions an erroneous, polluted literature, so that
ideas will not be received as seeds of sin. Let none suppose that
education means a study of books that will lead to the reception of
ideas of authors that will sow seed and spring up to bear fruit that
must be bound up in bundles with the world, separating them from the
Source of all wisdom, all efficiency, and all power, leaving them the
sport of Satan’s arch-deceiving power. A pure education for youth in
our schools, undiluted with heathen philosophy, is a positive necessity
in literary lines.
The well-being, the happiness, of the religious life in the fami-
lies with which they are connected, the prosperity and piety of the
church of which they are members, are largely dependent upon the re-
ligious education that the youth have received in our schools.—
Testimonies On Education, June 12, 1895
For Additional Reading
1895, June 27 Let your Speech Be with Grace Always Seasoned
with Salt Youth’s Instructor 1895, July 1895, July 11 Our Words “ ”
1895, November 21 The Child Life of Jesus “ ”