Seite 322 - Fundamentals of Christian Education (1923)

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Chapter 48—The Great Lesson Book
The Sanitarium is a broad missionary field. Your medical students,
in studying the word of God diligently, are far better prepared for all
other studies; for enlightenment comes always with an earnest study of
the word. Let it be understood by medical missionaries that the better
acquainted they become with God and Jesus Christ whom He hath
sent, the better acquainted they become with Bible history, the better
qualified they will be to do their work. The students in the College
at Battle Creek need to aspire to higher knowledge, and nothing can
give them a knowledge of all lessons, and a retentive memory, like the
searching of the Scriptures. Let there be genuine discipline in study.
There should be a most humble, prayerful longing of soul to know the
There should be most faithful teachers, who strive to make the
students understand their lessons, not by explaining everything them-
selves but by letting the students explain thoroughly every passage
which they read. Let the inquiring minds of the students be respected.
Treat their inquiries with respect. To skim over the surface will do
little good. Thoughtful investigation and earnest, taxing study are
required to comprehend it. There are truths in the word which are
like veins of precious ore concealed beneath the surface. By digging
for them, as the man digs for gold and silver, the hidden treasures
are discovered. Be sure that the evidence of truth is in the Scripture
itself. One scripture is the key to unlock other scriptures. The rich and
hidden meaning is unfolded by the Holy Spirit of God, making plain
the word to our understanding: “The entrance of Thy words giveth
light; it giveth understanding unto the simple.”
The word is the great lesson book for the students in our schools.
The Bible teaches the whole will of God concerning the sons and
daughters of Adam. The Bible is the rule of life, teaching us of the
character we must form for the future, immortal life. Our faith, our
practice, may make us living epistles, known and read of all men. Men
need not the dim light of tradition and custom to make the Scriptures