Seite 323 - Fundamentals of Christian Education (1923)

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Great Lesson Book
comprehensible. It is just as sensible to suppose that the sun, shining
in the heavens at noon-day, needs the glimmerings of the torchlight
of earth to increase its glory. The fables or the utterances of priests or
of ministers, are not needed to save the student from error. Consult
the divine Oracle, and you have light. In the Bible every duty is
made plain, every lesson is comprehensible, able to fit men with a
preparation for eternal life. The gift of Christ and the illumination of
the Holy Spirit reveal to us the Father and the Son. The word is exactly
adapted to make men and women and youth wise unto salvation. In
the word is the science of salvation plainly revealed. “All Scripture is
given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof,
for correction, for instruction in righteousness: that the man of God
may be perfect, throughly furnished unto all good works.” “Search
the Scriptures,” for therein is the counsel of God, the voice of God
speaking to the soul.—
Special Testimonies On Education, December
1, 1895